In this article we’re going to be talking about towing a car with an RV. And I’ll reveal my top five tips for RV flat towing and dolly towing.
Now if you’re new to RV towing, you may still be going through that whole decision making process about whether you should be flat towing or dolly towing.
And the good news is that I’ve made some videos to help you make a good decision. In fact, there’s a video on each method. Flat towing and dolly towing.
And they both will show you the pros and cons of each method. That way you can decide what works best for you and your situation.
But at this point we’re going to assume that you have already made your decision. And you know which method you’re going to choose to tow a car with an RV.
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Towing A Car With An RV – A Rear Camera
So let’s start with tip number one. And that is to use a rear camera to keep an eye on what’s going on with your towed vehicle.
This is so important. And I had this tip really driven home to me last year going through Fort Worth, Texas. That’s when one of the bars on my tow bar broke while I was on the highway.
And I would have never known it if I didn’t have my rear camera monitor on. As a matter of routine I always check it every few minutes or so while driving.
Well, I looked into it and my vehicle behind the RV was moving around. And I knew that wasn’t right!
So I pulled right over was able to get over in time so that the second bar on the tow bar didn’t break because of all the pressure on it. If that had happened, things would have really been difficult!
So that leads me to remind you to be sure you have a real good working rear camera. And that you check it regularly too.
A Piece Of Advice About RV Rear Cameras
Of course, a lot of folks have a rear camera in their RV. But for whatever reason, it’s often not functioning like it should.
And if that’s the case with you, let me give you a little bit of a suggestion. It’s about another camera system that might work as a replacement for you.
In fact, the one I found is a wireless camera system that even works wirelessly on my 40 foot RV. So most likely it’ll work for you as well.
Click here for the wireless camera system that works well for us
It’s very easy to install. And if you think it’s something that might work for you, be sure to check it out.
Towing A Car With An RV – A TPMS
All right, let’s move on to tip number two. And that is to be sure to use a tire pressure monitoring system for the tire pressures in your towed vehicle.
You know, a lot of people think about having a TPMS on their RV. But honestly, in many ways it’s almost more important to know what’s going on behind you.
Because a tire can blow out on you. Or can gradually go flat on your towed vehicle. And you will most likely never know it when it happens.
In your RV, you could probably feel a flat tire. But not in the towed vehicle. So make sure that you have a good tire pressure monitoring system for that vehicle too.
A lesson Learned On The Road
Now once again I learned this the hard way. As a result of that tow bar breaking, it set off a series of events. And one of them was related to the new tow bar that I bought.
When I got it, I attached it to my towed vehicle and started off down the highway. But that new tow bar was so stiff that it was putting pressure on the front tires of my towed vehicle, my Honda CRV.
In fact, it was so much pressure that heat was building up in the tires. And it was getting to the danger point where they could actually blow out.
But the tire pressure monitoring system saved me. It alerted me to that danger before it got to that critical stage.
Click here for the tire pressure monitoring system we use
Then I was able to pull off and solve the issue before things got really dicey. So be sure to have a tire pressure monitoring system for your towed vehicle too. And check it regularly!
What Is A Safe Towing Distance?
OK, tip number three. Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. And what do I mean by safe?
Well, I can’t give you a specific distance. Because a lot depends on the circumstances you’re in. But no doubt, you normally keep distance between you and the vehicle in front of you when you are in a passenger vehicle.
Well, make sure you use a lot more distance in your RV. Because RVs take a long time to slow down. But even more so when you’re towing a car with an RV.
So suppose something goes on in front of you that’s unexpected. Then it can take a really long time to slow down and stop the RV and the towed vehicle too. A lot more than it would in a passenger vehicle.
So I highly recommend to leave plenty of room in front of you and the vehicle in front of you.
Typically we travel at around 60 – 65 MPH on the highway when towing in our RV. If you do, most vehicles will pass you and move on down the highway ahead of you.
So just following that suggestion alone will often keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you.
Towing A Car With An RV – Weight Limits
Now for tip number four. And that is to know your RV and your towed vehicle’s weight limits. And observe them.
Now this is a subject that a lot of RVers just don’t pay a lot of attention to. It seems that they just figure if they can drive the RV down the highway it must be the right RV weight.
But it’s very important for you to make sure that you stay within the weight limits for your RV. And for the towed vehicle as well. By the way, this also includes your hitch’s tow weight too.
Now this is an area that some people forget about a lot of times. But that hitch takes a lot of pressure. So make sure you know what’s going on with it.
Again, I made a video explaining how that you can make sure you’re towing safely. And it explains all the weight classifications you need to know. About both the RV, the towed vehicle and the hitch. So you know you’re doing it right.
The 3-3-3 Rule For Towing
Now for my final tip in this article. And that is to observe the 3-3-3 rule when you’re towing a car with an RV. This rule is designed to help you avoid fatigue from towing on the highway.
And the 3-3-3 rule is (1) never travel more than three days in a row without stopping for at least a couple days to rest up. Then (2) never travel more than 300 miles a day. And (3) try to get wherever you’re going by three o’clock in the afternoon.
Now why is this a good idea? Well, many of the old-time RVers know that it takes a lot out of you to drive an RV. And even more when you’re driving one that’s towing another vehicle.
It takes a lot of concentration and a lot of alertness. And before you know it, it can take a lot out of you, and you can get very tired.
In fact, sometimes you don’t even know how tired you really are. That is, until you get into a difficult situation on the highway.
So you need to avoid fatigue. And to do that, this 3-3-3 rule helps you avoid fatigue and make sure that you stay fresh. And that you’re able to handle situations that come up on the road safely.
Is This A Hard And Fast Rule?
Now everybody’s fatigue level is a little bit different. And if you find that the 3-3-3 rule isn’t enough for you, then by all means move it down to 2-2-2.
There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It just simply means you need to keep your fatigue level at a manageable level. And if it takes going 2-2-2 instead of 3-3-3, then go ahead and do that.
In fact, the longer I drive RVs, the more I’m kind of a 2-2-2 guy myself. So whatever it takes to stay fresh. Whatever it takes to stay alert on the highway, do that!
Well I hope these tips will help keep you and your loved ones safe and happy while you’re out on the highway enjoying your RV adventures.
Have safe and happy travels my friends, until next time
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