This article is about the largest US RV dealers. And whether or not you should buy an RV from a large national dealership chain.
And yes, it’s true that the RV industry is in a big consolidation phase right now.
So most of the brands that you see out there are owned by just a few companies at this point.
And the largest US RV dealers are buying up local RV dealers at a record pace. So is this a good thing for RV buyers or not?
Table of Contents
- The #1 Pro Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
- RV Buying Pro #2
- The Best Advantage Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
- A Big Con Of Buying From Large RV Dealer Chains
- Con #2 Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
- Con #3 Of Buying At Large RV Dealerships
- The Sales Process – Con #4
- Con #5 – What About The Salespeople?
- #6 – What The Largest US RV Dealers Really Want
- Con #7 For Buying At National RV Chains
- #8 – Another Finance Related Con You Should Know About
- Large US RV Dealers And Con #9
- Con #10 – What About RV Inspections?
- The Last Con When Buying From The Largest US RV Dealers
- An Important Point About RV Dealers In General
- Here’s My Recommendations To Protect Yourself
- More Ways To Protect Yourself At Large National RV Dealers
- One More Piece Of Advice For Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
- The Final RV Buying Recommendation I Can Give You
- Conclusion
The #1 Pro Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
Well not necessarily. So let’s talk about both the pros and the cons of national RV dealer chains, starting with the pros first.
And the number one pro we’ll mention is that they often have a very large inventory of RVs to look at.
Of course, that is great for newer RVers that often aren’t sure what kind of RV they should buy.
In fact, it can be a big help to visit a large dealer chain. Because with all those RVs, you can go through all the different kinds of RVs at one time.
You can also view lots of sizes and floor plans in different categories of RVs.
And that’s a good way to find out what works best for you and your needs.
So it’s good to have a large inventory of RVs for educational purposes alone.
RV Buying Pro #2
But the second pro is that you’re also often going to find several brands at one dealership too. And that can be a good thing too.
Because it can take a lot of time and effort to find different RV brands. And comparing them when they aren’t side-by-side can be a challenge too.
The Best Advantage Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
But the number three pro of the largest US RV dealers is really the big one.
And that is that by design they are very convenient. So you can buy an RV there and even finance it all in the same place.
In addition, you can also trade your RV in and that saves the hassle of selling it on your own.
Also, you can access their parts department, their service department and so on.
And all of that is super convenient, since it’s all in one location at these large dealerships.
OK, so those are all pros of the largest US RV dealers. But now let’s talk about the cons as well.
A Big Con Of Buying From Large RV Dealer Chains
And the number one con is that these large dealership chains are not locally owned.
So there’s no local reputation that they have to worry about keeping up in the community.
Now when you have a smaller RV dealer, the owner is part of the community in many cases.
So the owner will often see and meet their customers as they go around their daily activities.
And that is an incentive to keep their reputation in good repute among the community.
But that’s not true with a large national dealer chain. Because they rely instead on large advertising budgets to get people in through the door.
Con #2 Of Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
Than another con is that many of the largest US RV dealers have adopted selling tactics that’s been used in the car industry for decades.
And I think we all know how much fun it is to go buy a car from a car dealer, right?
Usually it’s not very much fun for most people. And that’s because they love to use high pressure tactics that people hate.
Well, many in the RV dealer community have adopted very similar tactics. Especially in these large national dealer chains.
Con #3 Of Buying At Large RV Dealerships
Now another con is that because of all of that you are just a monthly number on the sales projection board.
You see, at the beginning of the month most dealers will make a projection of how many sales they want to make that month.
And then, they do everything in their power to meet that projection. Whether or not in many cases it’s good for you as a customer.
And it’s often called the “turn and burn” mentality in vehicle sales. And it does not usually work in favor of the average customer.
The Sales Process – Con #4
OK, the next con is that these dealers have a sales process that they want to use on you. One that gives them full control in the entire process.
So they’re really not there to listen to you or to even educate you. Instead, they want you to fall into their process and do what they want you to do.
Con #5 – What About The Salespeople?
Now the next con is the salespeople that you are going to encounter at large RV dealers.
In fact, many of them may not even know very much about the RVs that they’re selling you.
In fact, very often they’re not even RVers at all. They are just salespersons.
So you may actually know more than the salesperson you are working with.
And what this means is that you can’t trust them as a means of learning about RVs. Or about what will work best for your particular situation.
Because many times the things they’re going to tell you are just to sell you an RV. And they will often say almost anything to get the sale.
So all of this makes it hard to trust a salesperson that you often find at large RV dealership chains.
#6 – What The Largest US RV Dealers Really Want
OK, the next con is that these kind of dealers want you to buy purely on emotion.
Because they realize that emotions are very powerful. And they will get people to do something they don’t always want to do if they had time to think about it.
So they want you to buy quickly based on emotions. They want to move you through the sales process and get you out the door quickly.
And the interest is not in educating you as a consumer. Or in finding out what you want and need. Just on turning sales.
Con #7 For Buying At National RV Chains
Now the next con is about RV financing at large RV dealers. And it’s often not really the best deal that you could make for an RV loan.
In fact, the finance department of an RV dealership in many cases is the most profitable part of the whole dealer. Why?
Because they’re marking up their loans considerably to make profits for the RV dealer.
So financing is often not good for you as a consumer at these large dealer chains.
#8 – Another Finance Related Con You Should Know About
OK, the next con is that while you’re in the finance office they will love to sell you upgrades for your RV. But at very high profit margin!
Things like extended warranties, fabric protection, exterior protection and so on.
And they are all marked up very high to begin with. But when the cost is put in your RV loan, you really can’t tell how much it’s actually costing you.
Large US RV Dealers And Con #9
Then another con is that they often do very little if any pre-delivery inspection. And that’s true on both new and used RVs.
And as an RV inspector I can tell you this happens a lot, especially with large RV dealers.
So if they do a pre-delivery inspection at all, very often it’s a cursory one.
And very often, it’s done by someone who is not really qualified to do an RV inspection too. Many times by a very low paid employee.
Con #10 – What About RV Inspections?
Now moving on to the next con. And that is that a lot of the largest US RV dealers don’t like RV inspectors.
And they don’t want an RV inspection to be performed on their lot. In fact, more and more, they’re often refusing them all together.
Or if they allow them, they’ll make them very hard to perform. And why is that?
Well remember, their sales process means that they want to move you in and out of that dealership as fast as possible.
And they don’t want you thinking about things that could stop you from buying an RV.
Well, an RV inspection slows down that process. And it allows you to start thinking about whether it’s really a good buy or not.
So many of these large RV dealer chain stores don’t like RV inspections.
The Last Con When Buying From The Largest US RV Dealers
Now our last con that we’re going to talk about is an important one to consider.
So suppose they do allow you to inspect the RV you’re looking at.
Then suppose you take delivery of that RV before the quality issues that the inspector found are fixed?
Well you may have to wait weeks or even months to get those issues fixed. And this is common at these large RV dealer chain stores.
OK, those are a lot of cons about the largest US RV dealers to consider and mull over.
An Important Point About RV Dealers In General
Now let me say this. The cons that I mentioned here are not just restricted to large national RV dealership chains.
In fact, they can often take place with smaller RV dealers as well.
However I can say that in general they are more or less part of the fabric of these large national RV dealer chains.
Definitely, more so than most smaller local RV dealers that you come across.
Here’s My Recommendations To Protect Yourself
So here is what I recommend. If you’re going to buy from one of the largest US RV dealers, be careful every step of the way.
Watch what you’re doing and don’t just let them move you through in their sales process.
Always be careful about every step of the buying process and take nothing for granted.
So number one, know what you want before you buy. Don’t just go to the dealer and let them educate you.
Because they’re often going to direct you where they want you to buy. To what they want to sell you because it makes them more profit.
Instead, be an educated RV buyer before you even start the RV buying process.
More Ways To Protect Yourself At Large National RV Dealers
Then number two, have your financing already set and lined up in advance. Don’t just blindly accept whatever the dealer offers you.
And don’t discuss financing in any way, or monthly payments, until the price for the RV that you’re buying is settled.
Number three, don’t buy your extras for your new RV from the RV dealer.
Because usually you can get extras and add-ons yourself with no problem. And you can usually get them at a much better price elsewhere.
Also, the upgrades you buy will often be better quality than what you will get at the dealer too.
For instance, let’s take extended warranties or service contracts after the sale.
Those can be very useful. And I personally have used them with good success on my RV.
But I recommend you go to because they are a broker in RV extended warranties or service contracts.
They can find the extended warranty that’s going to fit best for you and your RV.
So just follow this link to learn more about what they have to offer.
One More Piece Of Advice For Buying At The Largest US RV Dealers
Now number four is always, and I mean always, insist on a full third party inspection of the RV you intend to buy.
And be sure to use a certified NRVIA RV inspector to do the inspection for you. Do not allow the dealer to talk you out of it.
Or allow them to tell you that their pre-delivery inspection takes care of all of that. And that it doesn’t cost you anything. That’s usually not true!
So always insist on that third party inspection. And if the dealer refuses, I can’t tell you what to do.
But I can tell you what I would do. I would leave, because that’s telling me everything I need to know about that dealer.
And about how much they value me as a customer. Or are interested in my having a positive RV buying experience.
OK, the final point I want to share with you is something very few buyers do.
The Final RV Buying Recommendation I Can Give You
And that is never take delivery of any RV before all the issues that the RV inspector found are resolved to your satisfaction.
Because if you take delivery beforehand, then you’re often going to be put at the back of the dealer’s service line.
And you’re probably going to experience a lot of frustration and anxiety trying to get all those issues resolved.
Or at least that’s the way it works for a lot of RV buyers who complain online about their buying experience.
Well if you follow the advice that I’ve given you here in this article you really can get the RV that you want.
Not only the one you want, but the one you also need as well. And you can make sure that it works like it should from the first day of ownership.
And all of this can be accomplished even at one of the largest US RV dealers.
Have safe and happy travels my friends!