Buying Used Travel Trailers – How To Get The RV Of Your Dreams

Buying used travel trailers

In this article I’m going to be talking about buying used travel trailers. And how to buy them the right way!

Yes, travel trailers are the best selling RVs on the market by far. And a big reason for that is they’re also usually the most economical RV to buy.

So in other words, a lot more people can afford new or used travel trailers than say higher end diesel pusher motorhomes.

But the problem is that a lot of RV buyers, including travel trailer buyers, don’t put a lot of thought and preparation into their buying process.

Watch my video on how to buy a used travel trailer

Table of Contents

The Wrong Way To Buy A Used Travel Trailer

For instance, this is what often happens with a lot of folks that buy RVs.

First, they decide that RVing is interesting. And it’s something they want to look into.

So they go down to the local RV dealer to see what they have for sale. And that dealer has a salesperson who shows them the RVs they want to look at.

In this case it’s used travel trailers. And so they take a look at three, four, maybe five or more.

And while they’re going through these RVs, the buyers are mainly looking at the size and the amenities.

You know, what this one has that that one doesn’t have. Then they want to know the price too.

And of course, they are very interested in that all-important monthly payment.

So after walking through several RVs, the salesperson starts applying some pressure. And they go ahead and make their decision.

But let me say this. Much more is needed if you’re going to buy any RV the right way.

And this is especially true with used travel trailers if you don’t want to have regrets later on down the line.

Other Considerations For Getting The Right RV

For instance, how much thought is being put into matching the travel trailer that the buyer is getting with the tow vehicle they’re going to use?

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Unfortunately, a lot of travel trailer buyers don’t really understand RV weight limits.

And what they mean for RV towing. Or for the tow vehicle that they have or intend to get.

Understanding RV towing is important
Understanding RV towing is important

And they often don’t know how to set up a travel trailer or RV with a tow vehicle correctly either. So that it’s safe.

Now what this results in is a lot of RVs going down the road that are actually unsafe rigs.

Because there’s extra stress on both the RV and on the tow vehicle. And this often leads to very expensive repairs on the tow vehicle side.

It could be engine problems, drive train issues, or brake issues for the tow vehicle.

Or on the RV side, it could be tire blowouts, suspension issues or problems with axles. And all of those things are very expensive to repair!

Not to mention that it can create very unsafe situations on the road!

RV Weight Limits And How To Match Up The Tow Vehicle

Now I made a couple of videos that can help here. Because what is needed is just a little knowledge about how to work with RV weight limits.

And once you have that knowledge, you really have a whole world open up to you on buying RVs correctly.

Now of the two videos, the first one will focus on RV weight limits and what they mean.

Video #1 explains RV weight limits you need to know
Video #1 explains RV weight limits you need to know

Of course, this is boring to some people. But I really went out of my way in that video to make it as simple, direct and easy as possible.

So you don’t need to know an awful lot to understand what you need to know.

You just need to know a few things and then you’ve got the knowledge you need for RV buying.

Then the second video will show you how to take that knowledge and match up tow vehicles and RVs correctly and safely.

How To Avoid Buying An RV Money Pit
Video #2 - Matching the travel trailer and tow vehicle
Video #2 – Matching the travel trailer and tow vehicle

So a little knowledge will go a long way for RV buyers. And it will help make sure you get a good RV. A good used travel trailer.

Now there is also another area where a lot of money is lost by RV buyers.

And that is in the buying process itself. In fact, there’s tons of mistakes that are made here very commonly by most RV buyers.

And these mistakes can add up to thousands of dollars in many cases!

So I have a five-step buying process that I want to share with you here in this article.

And that way, you’ll know how to buy a travel trailer, or really any RV, correctly. In a way that will protect you and save you money too.

Buying Used Travel Trailers – Step 1

So let’s go through the five steps. And number one is that I highly recommend that you research your RV carefully before you buy it.

Now this article is about buying used travel trailers. So that means that you need to go and look at lots of travel trailers.

Whether they are new or used doesn’t really matter. Just go and look at travel trailers!

And that usually means that you need to visit RV dealers to do that. Not just one, but several of them. Or go to RV shows in your area.

Look at lots of travel trailers on dealer lots when buying used travel trailers
Look at lots of travel trailers on dealer lots

Or another way to see used travel trailers is to visit RVs from private sellers too.

Now the whole idea here is that you’re not going to buy anything at this point. You’re just doing research.

So make that decision in your mind in advance. That no matter what happens, you’re not going to buy anything yet.

You’re just going to go and gather information at this point. So what information are you gathering?

What You Need To Know To Get The RV That Fits You Best

Well, you need to learn about travel trailers if that’s what you want to buy.

RV Gear

To do that go through lots of them. Different sizes and shapes, and so on.

And experience the RVs you see as much as you can. So go in and sit in the dinette. And move around in it to see how easy it is to get in and out.

Then go back and sit on the toilet. Stand in the shower. Lay on the bed.

Stand in the RV shower
Stand in the RV shower

Go in and sit where you would watch the TV and see how comfortable that is for you.

See how comfortable the TV viewing area is
See how comfortable the TV viewing area is

You see, what I’m saying here is to find out about living in a travel trailer by actually experiencing different sizes and different floor plans first.

Now once you do, you’re going to start to narrow down your selections quickly.

You’re going to start to learn what floor plans you like, and what sizes work well for you. And that is valuable information to have before you buy!

Step 2 In The Process For Buying Used Travel Trailers

Now number two on the list is to find out what brands make the best RVs for consideration.

So if it’s used travel trailers, know what brands are known for making the best ones. This is so important!

Because suppose you’ve got the choice of two used travel trailers. And one is made by a brand that has a reputation for quality that’s above average.

But the other RV is made by a brand that has a reputation for quality that’s a little lower than average.

Well, you’re spending the same money for either of them. So which one would you rather buy?

And which one do you think is going to last you the longest? And give you the least problems?

So you see, getting the right brand is important, It’s something you want to focus on and make a priority in the RV buying process.

There will be more information on how to know which RV brands are best later in this article.

Step #3 In How To Buy A Used Travel Trailer

Now the third step is to learn how to pre-inspect RVs as you go through them.

You see, so far what you’ve done is you have narrowed your choices down considerably.

Now you know the size you want and the floor plans you want. And you also know what brands you want to be looking at.

So you’ve really narrowed down a lot of selections to a relatively few number of RVs!

And at this point, you need to be able to go through those RVs looking for certain things.

RV repairs - don't pay for them

Especially the things that are the most expensive to repair or replace. And you want to make sure that they are working correctly on each RV.

And that way, you’re not going to be buying something that’s going to need a big repair right after you buy it.

So know how to pre-inspect travel trailers to be sure you get a good one.

Again, I’ll show you more about how to pre-inspect RVs later on in this article.

OK, it’s time for the next step in the buying process. And so far, you have narrowed your choices to a very small selection.

And they are the used travel trailers that you’re really interested in. They have checked all the boxes so far for number one, two and three of the buying process.

Buying Used Travel Trailers – Step 4

Now pick the very best one of that group and arrange an RV inspection for it. And we’re talking now about a professional RV inspection.

So I recommend choosing a certified NRVIA RV inspector to do the job right.

And at this point, you want the inspector to come in and go through the RV from top to bottom.

Buying used travel trailers - Get a certified NRVIA RV inspector to go through the RV
Get a certified NRVIA RV inspector to go through the RV

You want to make sure there aren’t any major hidden problems that’s going to surprise you and cost you a lot of money in repairs.

And once the RV inspector finishes you’ll get a complete and thorough report on that RV. Then you will know exactly what shape it’s in!

This is a vital step in the process of how to buy a used travel trailer!

The Final Step For Success In Buying Used Travel Trailers

And that actually leads us to the fifth step in the buying process. And that is to make use of the report you have on whatever the inspector finds on the RV.

So whatever the inspector found, get it fixed before you take delivery of the RV. Especially if you’re buying from a dealer!

Now if you’re buying from a private individual, it’s negotiation time at that point.

You can either ask them to repair those issues before you take possession of the RV at the price that you’ve agreed on.

Or you can negotiate the price with them if you’re going to have to repair those issues after you buy the RV.

But either way just make sure that all the problems the inspector found will be addressed right away.

Now what I’ve shown you here is a five-step RV buying process that really works. And it will help you know how to buy a used travel trailer.

And if you go through it and follow the steps as I outlined, most likely you’re going to get a great RV.

Here’s How To Make The Five Step Process Easy

In addition, I have created a couple of guidebooks that can help you out in this process.

Now of course, you can do the five steps on your own if you like. And if you know your way around RVs pretty well, you’ll probably do fine.

But what if you feel that you would like some guidance in the buying process?

Well, I’ve created a used travel trailer buying guide to help you know which brands have produced the best travel trailers for overall quality.

And the buying guide covers the years 2010 – 2019. It will help make your RV search so much more focused and productive.

And then I’ve also created a used RV buying guidebook. And it’s packed with even more tips and guidance on how to buy used RVs the right way.

It will be very helpful in learning how to buy a used travel trailer no matter where you buy it.

And it will help you know how to pre-inspect the RVs you look at in the buying process.

That way you’ll know which ones are worth considering and which aren’t.

A Bonus That Comes With The Used RV Buying Guidebook

Also, it even comes with a checklist that will step you right through the whole process.

And that makes sure that you don’t miss anything important in the pre-inspection.

So these guides will show you how to find the best used travel trailers for the money.

Then how to pre-inspect them to make sure that they’re really worth considering.

And then how to get the right RV inspector to come in and make sure it doesn’t have hidden problems.

But there’s even more tips and help than I have covered so far in this article too. It’s all in the guidebook!

That will help make sure you know everything you need to know about any RV.

And that way you can get a really workable RV from the very first day of ownership!


Now if you want these guidebooks just click on the images below.

Best travel trailer brands
Used RV Buying Guide

Then you can take a look and decide if the guidebooks will work for you or not.

Now the point of this article is that you need to be armed with knowledge as an RV buyer.

And that is true when you’re buying used travel trailers or really any RV. It will help you do it the right way!

Yes, the purpose of this article is to arm you with the right knowledge. And help you know the right procedure to follow in the process.

Using this information, you can find a used travel trailer that will fit your needs exactly.

And it will give you great service for many years to come too!

Have safe and happy RV travels my friends!

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