The Best Travel Trailer Brands – My Top 3 Recommendations

The best travel trailer brands to buy

This article is about my recommendations for the best travel trailer brands. The ones that you should be be considering now in 2023.

Of course, travel trailers are by far the most popular RV. And that’s because in many cases they’re the most affordable RV too. But they also fit into people’s lifestyle a lot easier as well.

Suppose you have a larger SUV or a passenger truck that you use for your daily driver. Well then, a travel trailer is going to fit in really well with what you already have.

Also, if you’re thinking about getting into RVing on a more permanent basis, travel trailers are a great place to start to get used to RVing itself.

Now when you start looking at travel trailers, you’re going to see that there are an incredible number of brands and models to choose from.

It’s really a crowded field. So the question is, how do you know which brands produce the best travel trailer quality? The ones that you want to buy?

Watch my video on the top 3 travel trailer brands

Table of Contents

Travel Trailer Brand Quality

Well, it’s interesting to note that quality doesn’t stay level in this segment of the RV industry though.

So very often, you’ll see brands have some years where they make really good quality RVs. And then other years where their output isn’t so great anymore.

And that means that it’s important to stay up with what brands are making the best travel trailer quality now.

In other words, the best travel trailers for the money.

So that’s what this video is all about. It’s about the top three travel trailer brands that I can personally recommend for you. Especially within the last three to four years or so.

A good question though is what am I basing my decisions on? Well, there’s three big things that I use as the basis for my list.

And number one is build quality. That’s something that as an RV inspector I pay a lot of attention to.

But the second is customer service too. Yes, you want build quality before the sale. But you also want to know that you’re going to get support after the sale too.

And finally, the third point is resale value. Because you want to be able to sell the travel trailer later on and get a reasonable amount back out of it.

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So let’s go ahead and cover the top three best travel trailer brands that I can recommend for you.

The Best Travel Trailer Brands – Pick #1

And number one on the list is Grand Design. Now Grand Design may seem like they have been around forever.

And that’s because they’re so ingrained in the RV culture now.

But the truth is, they’ve only been in business for about 10 years or so. But in those 10 years they have made tremendous strides.

Today they are known for producing some of the best travel trailer quality RVs. And they are also known for exceptional customer service after the sale.

They have also won numerous industry and consumer awards over the last 8 years or so.

So give them real consideration as one of the best travel trailers for the money.

Now the models that you want to look for are first of all, the Transcend. And generally speaking, the Transcend allows you to buy at the lower end of the market.

Grand Design Transcend
Grand Design Transcend

Then the Imagine fills the slot in the middle area of the travel trailer price range.

Grand Design Imagine
Grand Design Imagine

And finally, the Reflection is more in the higher end of the newer and used travel trailer market.

Best travel trailer brands - Grand Design Reflection
Grand Design Reflection

When you go online to RV trader, you can look for the range of costs for new Grand Design travel trailers.

And they can start anywhere around the low 30s, and go all the way up to the low 90s.

So that is a wide variation of costs within just one brand. In fact, you’ve got almost any price range that someone could afford.

And of course, you can save a lot by buying a Grand Design RV that is just a few years older.

So if you’re considering a travel trailer RV, Grand Design has got a lot to offer most buyers.

How To Avoid Buying An RV Money Pit

The #2 Pick For Quality Travel Trailers

Now let’s move on to number two on the list. And that is Northwood RVs.

Northwood is well known for making true four season RVs. And that means they build their products with quality materials and methods.

Now they are not a large quantity builder though. So you might have a little more challenge even finding Northwood travel trailers.

But when you do, the quality is apparent right away. And they also have a lot of very loyal customers and fans who are also really vocal about their support for the company.

In addition, they are known for making true four season travel trailers and fifth wheels.

Now let’s take a look at their models to buy. And there’s two main travel trailer models that Northwood puts out at this point.

The first one we’ll cover is the Arctic Fox. And that’s the travel trailer model that they’re probably most well known for.

Best travel trailer brands - Northwood Arctic Fox
Northwood Arctic Fox

But there’s also the Nash, and it is well worth your consideration as well.

Northwood Nash
Northwood Nash

And if you look on RV trader, the costs are going to run anywhere from the mid 30’s all the way up to the mid 80’s for new Northwood travel trailers.

So once again, you’ve got a wide range of prices to choose from with Northwood RVs too. And you can save by buying a few years older as well.

And whether you’re buying on the lower end, in the mid range, or the higher end, there’s something good that Northwood has to offer you.

The Best Travel Trailer Brands – Pick #3

Now let’s move on to the third brand on my list of the top three travel trailer brands. And that is Lance Campers.

Lance is one of the fastest growing RV builders in the current market.

And I have to say that they make exceptionally higher quality travel trailers than the majority of the competition in their price range.

In fact, they make some of the best travel trailers for the money that you can find.

RV Gear

So really consider Lance if you’re looking in the travel trailer segment.

Now as far as the models are concerned, they go about things a little bit differently.

They don’t give their models names. Instead they give them model numbers.

Best travel trailer brands - Lance Campers
Lance Campers

So the numbers range anywhere from 1475 up to 2465. And there’s a lot of models in between too.

Now as far as the cost is concerned, on RV trader you’re going to find that most new Lance travel trailers are going to run between the low 50’s up to the mid 90’s.

So not quite as large a range of prices on Lance travel trailers. But the range is still large enough that most people could find something they can afford.

But once again, choose a Lance product that is just a few years old to save lots of money.

Reminders About Buying Travel Trailer RVs

Alright, that’s the three brands and models that I wanted to recommend to you in this article. Brands known for making the best travel trailer quality products.

Number one, Grand Design. Number two Northwood. And number three Lance.

I specifically chose these three brands to represent higher end, mid-range, and lower cost travel trailers.

Now are these RV brands perfect? Am I saying that there will never be problems with these brands and models?

Absolutely not! There is no brand or model of RV out there that is perfect. And these days, that is especially so.

Remember that RVs are still being made generally by hand. So there can be a great variation in the sustainability of the quality level in a brand.

That means that you can get a lemon in almost any RV brand out there.

But these brands of travel trailers are going to put the buying odds on your side. That most likely you’re going to get a very good RV.

Also, I have only covered the top three travel trailer brands here in this article.

More Of The Best Travel Trailer Brands

But I have created a guidebook to buying newer and used travel trailers that can be even more helpful.

And it provides all of the brands and the models that I recommend for your consideration. Not just the top three, but all of them.

And I list them in order as far as quality, customer service, and resale value are concerned.

Although it covers travel trailer brands up until 2019, the recommended list still applies even for many of the best new RVs now.

RV repairs - don't pay for them

So just click on the image below to download my travel trailer guidebook.

Now what if you have a favorite travel trailer brand, that you’re convinced builds a quality RV? But I didn’t mention it on my list in this article.

Well, don’t get shook about that. It probably means that you’re going to see it on my full list in the travel trailer buying guidebook.

OK, now the last points I want to make here is actually a couple of things.

RV Inspections On Newer RVs Too?

Number one. As always these days, before you buy a new RV or a slightly used RV, make sure that you get it inspected by a certified NRVIA inspector.

Why? Because RV factories are turning out products these days that really aren’t up to snuff in many cases.

Even some of the better RV manufacturers have struggled to consistently produce quality RVs during Covid.

So brands known for some of the best travel trailer quality methods have been affected.

And RV dealers are often not fixing those problems before you buy it. So get an RV inspection before the whole buying process is ended.

And then once that inspector gives you the punch list of all the RV’s problems, do not take delivery of that RV until all those issues are fully resolved.

Now if you’ll do that, the odds are even greater that you’ll get a good RV.

And you’re going to eliminate a lot of the frustration and irritation that so many new RV buyers are experiencing these days.

My 5 Step RV Buying Success Process

Finally, let me also recommend that you consider getting my buying and inspection guides for new and used RVs.

Now these guides are not about the best RV models and brands like the one I mentioned above.

Instead, these two buying guides specifically focus on the RV buying process itself.

Get my new or used RV buying guides for the best buying experience
Get my new or used RV buying guides for the best buying experience

One is for buying new RVs. And the other is for used RV buying. They will show you how to find the right RV for your specific needs.

Then they will provide you with a proven system for buying RVs that really works.

And here is an overall illustration of my 5 step process for successful RV buying:

My 5 step success process for buying the best travel trailer brands

My guidebooks go into lots of detail about how to pre-inspect an RV you are considering. And that way you can determine whether it’s worth going to the next step or not.

I even provide a handy checklist with instructions on what and how to pre-inspect on each RV.

After that, the next step is to call in a professional RV inspector. But only on the RV that is your best candidate overall among the ones you have found.

So if you use my new or used RV buying guide along with my best travel trailer brands guidebook, the odds are really on your side to get a great RV.


Armed with the information in this article and my guidebooks, buying the right travel trailer is much easier.

And you can avoid all the frustration and regret that many RV buyers are experiencing now.

Oh and one more thing. When you buy any of my guides, I make myself personally available for help.

Yes, I will be happy to help answer any question you have about RVs or RV buying. Either by email or phone call.

So let’s work together and make sure that you get the travel trailer you deserve.

One that will bring you on many happy adventures for years to come!

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