The Best Diesel Pusher Motorhomes For Fulltime RVing

The best diesel pusher motorhomes for fulltime RV living

This article is about the best diesel pusher motorhomes for full-time RV living.

Yes, diesel pushers are really the top of the line Class A RVs. And often they’re just simply made better than most other RVs that you can buy.

That’s because generally the more money you spend on an RV, the more you can expect to get. In better quality, better customer service and so on.

Now that’s not always the case. But it’s sort of a general rule of thumb.

That the more you invest in your RV, the more quality you’re going to find built into it.

Watch my video on the best diesel pusher motorhomes for full time living

Table of Contents

The Best Diesel Pusher Motorhomes Are Built With Quality

And full-time RVing? Well, it just puts a lot of stress on RVs.

And on lower quality RVs it puts them under more stress than they were ever designed to be able to take.

Also, when it comes to diesel pusher motorhomes, some brands are just better than others.

So in general, you’re going to find better fit and finish. Better quality materials, better customer service, and the list just goes on and on.

So when you get all of these nice things in a class A diesel pusher RV, it’s a great thing.

And when you’re fulltime traveling in it, it just makes your experience so much better. So much more enjoyable.

So this article is going to cover some of the best diesel pusher motorhomes. The brands and models.

Ones that you can be confident to use in full-time travel and camping.

Of course, I can’t cover all of the brands and models that you should be looking at. I just don’t have the time here to be able to do that.

But I’m going to give you a few brands and some of their models for you to consider.

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And that will be a great place for you to start when thinking about class A diesel pusher RVs for full-time RVing.

Now let’s start with number one on the list. And if you’ve ever followed my content for very long you’re going to know that I’m a big fan of Newmar.

Especially in this particular category of Class A diesel pushers. Yes, in my opinion, Newmar is a great RV manufacturing company.

I really like a lot of things about Newmar in general. I like the the way they go about building their products and handling their customer base too.

And Newmar makes lots of diesel pusher RVs. But they also make them in lots of price ranges as well.

In fact, their products go all the way up into the super luxurious range of the RV market.

But we’re really not going to go that high in this article though. Instead, what we’re going to do is set a cap of about $650,000 on the RVs we’ll cover.

As if that was the limit that a person would want to pay for a class A diesel pusher.

And that way we can compare the different brands and models that I’m going to cover here more fairly.

And by setting the limit at $650,000 and down, that will help more potential buyers have something that they can consider.

So starting at the top on our price list in that category would be an iconic Newmar model.

One that’s just been around for decades in the RVing community. In fact, you see them everywhere you travel. And that is the Newmar Dutch Star.

Newmar Dutch Star is one of the best diesel pusher motorhomes

Now you’re going to see a lot of these in campgrounds. You’re even going to see a lot of older ones in campgrounds and RV parks.

So what does that say. Well, it says that Newmar builds them really well.

And if you take care of a Dutch Star, you can make it last a very long time.

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Also, a Dutch Star usually comes with a lot of features. A lot of amenities, and a lot to offer for full-time RV living.

OK, next on the list is the Newmar Ventana. And if you step down just a little bit in cost from the Dutch Star, you can get a Ventana.

Newmar Ventana

They are getting very popular these days. And I’m seeing more and more of them out there on the road.

Now maybe they are not quite as is luxurious as the Dutch Star. But they still have a lot to offer the fulltime RVer.

More Affordable Models From This Motorhome Brand

Alright, then stepping down a little bit further into affordable territory for many people is the Newmar Kountry Star.

Newmar Kountry Star

Now of course, I’m a big fan of the Kountry Star. And that’s because I own one. Mine is a 2004.

So what does that tell you about the build quality? Newmar RVs are really made to last.

And we love our Kountry Star diesel pusher! It’s built so well and we’re very happy with it overall.

But there are lots of other happy satisfied owners of that Newmar model as well.

Now coming farther down on the list is the most affordable Newmar diesel pusher. And that’s the Canyon Star!

Newmar Canyon Star

In fact, you can buy a new Canyon Star at an MSRP of around the mid $300K’s.

Which means that if you discount it from there, you probably are going to be able to buy it maybe even a little under $300K in some cases.

And for a Newmar diesel pusher motorhome, that’s really great. It’s a good way to get into the full-time Class A diesel pusher category for less.

The Best Diesel Pusher Motorhomes – Brand #2

OK, now let’s move on to our second brand that I can recommend for your consideration.

And you probably already know what that is too if you have followed my online content for very long.

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In fact, I’ve often mentioned the competition that goes on between Newmar and Tiffin. Especially in the diesel pusher RV category.

So Tiffin is also a fabulous motorhome brand. And they’ve been making Class A diesel pushers for many years.

They are well known among the RVing community. And there are lots of happy Tiffin owners out there.

So if we start at the top in this under $650,000 category, we have the Tiffin Allegro Bus.

Tiffin Allegro Bus is one of the best diesel pusher motorhomes

And that is a very iconic name in the Class A diesel pusher field.

I mean, you just get so much value in a Tiffin Allegro Bus. And so many owners out there are very proud of their rig for many good reasons.

OK, that’s a great place to start on the higher end. But if we move down a little bit in price we’ll find the model that you tend to see more than almost any other diesel pusher.

More Affordable Models From Motorhome Brand #2

Of course, maybe it’s just me, but almost everywhere I go I see a Tiffin Phaeton.

Tiffin Phaeton is one of the best diesel pusher motorhomes too

I see them in almost any campground that I go into. And that’s because it has such a great reputation among the full-time RV community.

Again, you’ll find lots of features and amenities in a Phaeton. And the added bonus of being more affordable than the Allegro Bus too.

But now if you move a little farther down in price there’s the Allegro Red series.

Tiffin Allegro RED

And that model is going to be much more affordable than the Tiffins we have covered so far.

But to me, the real value in the Tiffin lineup is in the next model for consideration.

And that’s the Tiffin Breeze. In fact, it can be had for under $300,000 now.

Tiffin Allegro  Breeze

So if you want to get the most RV for your money, give some thought to the Tiffin Breeze.

The Best Diesel Pusher Motorhomes – Brand #3

OK, the third brand that I’m going to cover today is Entegra.

Entegra builds some of the best diesel pusher motorhomes

Now Entegra has not been around as long as either Newmar or Tiffin in building Class A RV diesel pushers.

But when they came into the industry they made big waves. And they have given the top two a real run for their money in this category.

As a result, I am seeing lots of Entegras out there on the road. And they are often owned by very knowledgeable owners.

Owners that been through Tiffins, and been through Newmars before they bought.

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And many of these Entegra owners feel that you just get more value for your money with an Entegra.

So if you’re going to consider Entegra, take a good look at the Aspire and the Riata in their lineup.

Entegra Aspire
Entegra Reatta

Now you’re going to see both of those models out there on the road a lot too.

And they would be a great choice for full-time RVing if that is what you plan to do.

More Motorhome Brands That I Can Recommend

OK, that’s the three brands that I wanted to cover with you in this article.

Are there other diesel pusher brands and models that you should be looking at as well?

Yes there are other brands that I can recommend for your consideration.

But I just can’t go through all of them here in this article. So if you want to know about all of the best diesel pusher motorhomes I can recommend, here’s what you can do.

Just download my guidebook on buying Class A RVs. And when you do, you’ll find my full list of recommended Class A diesel pushers there.

Just click the image below to download the guidebook.

Now any one of them would be a good choice for full-time living. So you’ll have plenty of the best diesel pusher motorhomes to choose from.

Of course, the ones I’m talking about here in this article are mainly new RVs.

But really, the same kind of list can be recommended for used Class A diesel pushers too.

However, I highly recommend that you also download either my used RV buying guide or my new RV buying guide as well.

Get my new or used RV buying guides to make sure you get a good RV
Get my new or used RV buying guides to make sure you get a good RV

It depends on what kind of RV you want to buy, either new or used.

But my Class A guidebook has my recommended brands list in it. And using it along with one of the RV buying guides is the best way to have a pleasant and successful buying experience.

You will then know what RVs to buy and how to buy them the right way.

One Final Important Reminder For RV Buyers

But here’s one final important reminder. And that is to be sure to fully inspect any diesel pusher motorhome before you buy it.

Yes, make sure you get it inspected by a certified RV inspector before you take ownership.

And that’s a good thing to do whether it’s a new RV or whether it’s used.

The truth is that all RV manufacturers, even the best ones, struggle with consistency.

So one RV out of their factory can be close to perfect while the next one may need some attention.

And nobody wants to spend the majority of their time in the repair shop right after buying an RV.

So get an RV inspection even if it’s brand new. Find out what the problems are and get them fixed before you take ownership of it.

And if you do, you will most likely have a very pleasant buying experience.

And you will have a motorhome that works like it should from the very first day of ownership.

One that will take you on lots of fun fulltime RVing adventures for years to come.

Have safe and happy travels my friends!

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