This article is going to be talking about Azdel vs Luan in RV construction.
But first, I made a video about how RVs are made. And you can watch that video here.
That video helps to lay a basis or foundation for what we’re going to cover in this article.
That’s because it explained how that many RV manufacturers are using laminated wall building methods for their RVs these days.
Table of Contents
- Azdel vs Luan – How Are RV Walls Made?
- What Is Luan Anyway?
- Azdel vs Luan – Using Azdel In RV Construction
- Azdel vs Luan – Does Azdel Resolve RV Water Leak Problems?
- How Extensive Is Azdel Being Used In RV Construction?
- Azdel vs Luan – Delamination Is Not The Main Issue Here
- Are The Marketing Claims Being Made Really Helpful?
- What Happens When You Don’t Maintain Your RV’s Joints And Seams
- Azdel vs Luan – Am I A Believer In Azdel Or Not?
- Conclusion
Azdel vs Luan – How Are RV Walls Made?
So let me show you what I mean by “laminated walls” in RVs. And as you can see in the following image, there’s a fiberglass panel on the outside of the RV.
Then it has a substrate behind it that gives it rigidity. After that, there’s the frame for the wall.
And in between the frame supports is insulation. Finally on the other side of the frame is the interior wall that you see inside the RV.
Now all of those layers are glued together first. And then the whole unit is run through a pinch roller or it’s vacuum bonded together.
So what comes out of that process is one big solid RV wall. There’s no sections to it.
What Is Luan Anyway?
Now for years, the substrate that supports the fiberglass outside panel has been made out of Luan.
So what is Luan anyway? Well, you’ve probably heard the term but just didn’t know what it actually meant.
And the explanation is that Luan is just simply an eighth to a quarter inch plywood board.
It’s very strong but also very light. And therefore it’s a very good RV construction material that has been used for years.
However, it has one big drawback. And that is that if water gets into an RV’s wall, then Luan can begin to break apart.
In fact, it can delaminate away from that exterior wall altogether. And it can even rot inside the wall if the water intrusion goes on long enough.
Now how do you spot delamination on an RV? Well just go down to the end of an RV and look back at the sidewall.
If you see some blisters or areas where the fiberglass seems to poke out away from the wall, that’s delamination.
And that’s what we really want to avoid!
Azdel vs Luan – Using Azdel In RV Construction
Now since 2006 Azdel has begun to be used in the industry in many cases instead of Luan.
Especially on the RV’s outside walls to prevent delamination. Of course, Azdel started out being used just sparingly by RV manufacturers.
But it’s progressively being used by more and more manufacturers in the construction of RV walls.
And the question is, well then what is Azdel? The answer is that it is actually a composite sheet of material that’s man-made.
And it is impervious to water or humidity. In fact, you can take Azdel and just submerge it in water for months.
And if you did it would look just fine when it comes out of the water. That’s because it simply can’t rot!
So does that mean that Azdel solves all RV water intrusion issues then?
Azdel vs Luan – Does Azdel Resolve RV Water Leak Problems?
Well, I often see lots of comments on the internet from RV buyers that think that’s the case.
And so they refuse to buy any RV that has Luan in the RV’s walls. Because they feel that it’s vastly inferior.
And they are concerned that they’re setting themselves up for water problems if Luan is used in the RV walls.
In fact, they may like everything else about an RV. And the manufacturer may be very well known as a quality manufacturer.
But they’re still not going to buy that RV if it has Luan in the walls. So is that a reasonable stance to take?
Well, the reason for this controversy is that RV marketing people do a great job at marketing.
And marketing people want to make you see all the good things about something. But not necessarily any of the bad things.
Or they will tell you all the good things, but don’t give you the whole story. Or all the details about the other things that apply as well.
So if you listen to RV marketing people. it sounds like Azdel in RV walls is the perfect solution for RV water problems.
However let me make this point very clear. Azdel in exterior RV walls alone will not make your RV waterproof.
And it will not solve all of your water intrusion issues. Why is that?
How Extensive Is Azdel Being Used In RV Construction?
Because let’s just suppose that an RV has Azdel in the sidewalls. That sounds like water problems are solved for that RV, right?
Well, there is something that many RV buyers don’t know. And that is that the vast majority of RV builders still use a lot of wood elsewhere in the RV.
You can find it in the roof, the ceilings, the floors, and in the interior walls of the RV.
So if water gets in, it’s true that when it goes down the RV walls it may not delaminate that substrate from the fiberglass panel like Luan would.
But major damage will still happen in that RV wherever wood is being used.
You see, water doesn’t care if Azdel is in your RV or not. No, water just follows gravity and works it’s way down the inside of an RV.
And most RV leaks actually begin from the roof area. Secondly, followed by windows.
Azdel vs Luan – Delamination Is Not The Main Issue Here
Now suppose you have a water leak that starts to come in from the roof. And the water follows gravity from there.
Well first of all, it can and often does ruin the roof supports in the RV’s ceiling.
Then it can go down the sidewalls. And Azdel will probably help to prevent delamination there.
But then water continues on its way down and often ruins the floor as well as the RV’s interior walls.
So the real issue that we have here in RVs is not just delamination. No, the real issue here is water intrusion.
And the need for RV joint and seam maintenance and care on the part of RV owners.
Are The Marketing Claims Being Made Really Helpful?
Now this is nothing that RV marketing people are going to tell you. They’re not going to talk to you about maintaining your RV.
Or that even if the RV has Azdel in the sidewalls, you’ve got to watch the RV’s joints and seams. And keep them covered with the proper sealant.
Oh no, marketing people are not going to inform you of that. They are just going to try to sell Azdel as a water intrusion cure.
But here is the honest truth. There have been many thousands of very good RVs made in decades gone by using Luan and wood construction.
And many of them are still doing just fine. As long as the joints, the seams, and the windows are sealed with proper sealant.
So what if you plan on maintaining your RV? In other words, you’re going to buy an RV and not be one of those people who just doesn’t ever do anything to it.
Instead you’re going to actually try to maintain it and stay up with joint and seam maintenance.
Well if that’s the case, then Luan will work just fine in your RV’s side walls. Or anywhere else in the RV. It’ll be just fine!
What Happens When You Don’t Maintain Your RV’s Joints And Seams
But now what if you don’t plan on maintaining your RV? You’re just going to go on camping trips and run around with it? And that’s the end of your involvement with that RV?
Well then, you could have a lot worse problems than just delamination.
Remember how water follows gravity? So you could be replacing roof substrates.
Or you could be replacing flooring or interior walls even if your RV has Azdel in the outer walls.
And all of that is very expensive! Yes your exterior walls could still be laminated just fine due to Azdel.
But all of this other damage can be taking place inside your RV because of water intrusion.
And those things can happen if you are not going to care for the joints and the seams of your RV.
Azdel vs Luan – Am I A Believer In Azdel Or Not?
Now let me say this for all of the Azdel fans out there. I personally believe in Azdel. I am a supporter of the use of Azdel in RV walls.
Yes, I want to see more products like Azdel being used throughout RVs. In the roof, the flooring, and the RV’s interior walls too.
In other words, more inorganic products being used in RV construction can only be a good thing.
However, what about choosing an RV these days solely on whether it has Azdel in the side walls?
Well, it doesn’t match the reality of what is needed to fully combat RV water leaks and damage.
So don’t just buy into the advertising ploys of RV marketing people.
Instead, commit to maintaining your RV. Commit to doing the work that needs to be done to keep water out of your RV.
If you do, your RV will last for years. And it’ll give you great service during the time that you own it.
Whether it has Azdel or Luan in the side walls or not!
Have safe and happy RV travels!