If you are asking how do I keep my RV cool, you are not alone. Keeping a cool RV in the summer when you are boondocking or unplugged from shore power is a challenge. But it can be done.
Why Keep a Cool RV?
Caring for your RV the right way involves keeping a cool RV because heat is an RV enemy. It can cause a lot of the rubber and plastic inside your RV to dry out and crack. It basically sucks out the moisture in many of the wood products as well. Not to mention that it can make the RV owners crabby and irritable!
Of course, summer heat can also damage the exterior of your RV too. And the best piece of advice there is just to try and find some shade where you can set up camp. But the inside of your RV is where heat can silently do damage over time. So RV inspection includes doing your best to kep your RV cool!
Beat The Summer Heat – Here’s How!
YouTube is a great source of information for RVers. And finding information on how to keep a cool RV is is only a click away. So here is a video from a YouTube creator that I follow regularly that will help explain what to do when it is warm outside and you are not using your air conditioner. He explains how just a few small changes can make a big difference in the inside temperature of your RV.
The channel is called “Love Your RV” and the content creator is Ray. He also has lots of other videos about RVing that are very helpful and informative. He and his wife have been traveling in their RV for several years now and they have a lot of wisdom to share. I enjoyed this video and I hope you will too.